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Sunday Morning Worship | 10am
Sunday Bible Class | 11:15am
Wednesday Evening – Mid Week Bible Study | 6:30pm

Thank you for taking the time to visit this website and learn more about us. Perhaps you looking for a church home? Your search for a place to worship and study is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. We always encourage people to look to Jesus and The Word of God and then it will be clear what church you should attend. Please use the resources available here to learn more about us.
It is clear from Jesus’ explanation that worship is not something that happens in a specific place, but something that happens out of a pure heart. Praise, adoration, thanksgiving, and joy are characteristics of true worshipers and should be a part of our lives every single day. Of course, there are also special times when we have an opportunity to worship together which is a gift and blessing as we come together to encourage and support each other.
The youth are not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today. They have a great capacity to serve and show determination in the face of life’s difficulties. They inspire us with their excitement and model Christ in so many ways as an example to those both younger and older.

Fresh Start
The Fresh Start Emergency Relief initiative is a mission of the Meriden church of Christ in conjunction with the United Way of Meriden/Wallingford. As the United Way identifies people of need in the area, Fresh Start will be called upon to help fulfill those needs. In order to accomplish this, Fresh Start will collect items throughout the year and store them until the time of need. As the program continues to develop there will more information available here and at the Meriden church of Christ.
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